“I will prepare and some day my chance will come”
– Abraham Lincoln

There is so much to prepare for today. Threats come in many forms:

  • Natural Disasters
  • Manmade Disasters
  • Cyber Attacts
  • Civil Disobedience
  • CBRNE Incidents
  • Terror Attacts
  • Power Outage
  • Pandemics
  • Infastructure Failure
  • Traffic Incidents

Protecting your business and ensuring the continuation of your essential operations is critical. You need to be proactive and there is a lot to consider when planning. Planning for the unknown requires significant effort and it never stops. Any document that you create (Continuity of Operations Plan, Emergency Plan, etc…) is a “living document” and needs to be updated and tested regularly.

Plans can be easily created with the proper oversight. Milestones, guidance documents, assigned responsibilities, templates and support are all helpful techniques.

In my blog, I will identify threats, provide guidance, discuss current issues, and make pertinent and helpful content. I will do this with candor and enthusiasm, while trying to remain captivating and non-technical. I will use plain language and get right to the point.

Preparedness… This is what I enjoy, my calling, my passion. I hope you enjoy my articles.

If you need more assistance, I am here to help. I can provide further survices if needed. I have created a Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP), Assisted others with the creation of their COOP, Created numerous emergency procedures, participated and conducted numerous tabletop exercises and created a pandemic plan. I have also planned for numerous critical incidents and as a command element, responded to and successfully lead several high-risk situations. I have also provided instruction on critical incident planning and taken several high level courses regarding emergency response and planning as well as IED, WMD, civil disturbance and pandemic related incidents.

Thank you,


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